Hansika Motwani Latest Stills from Tamil Movie Launch. Latest stills of Hansika Motwani from Vijay's Tamil movie 'Velayutham' launch. Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s new flick titled ‘Velayudham’ which is being directed by Jayam Raja has been launched today morning in a grand event above 55,000 and Plus die-hard fans at the Madras University Hall.“Vijay plays an enterprising youngster while Genelia is doing the role of a journalist. Hansika Motwani and Saranya Mohan are also doing crucial characters.
Hansika Motwani Tamil Actress Latest Photos
Hansika Motwani Latest Stills from Tamil Movie Launch. Latest stills of Hansika Motwani from Vijay's Tamil movie 'Velayutham' launch. Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s new flick titled ‘Velayudham’ which is being directed by Jayam Raja has been launched today morning in a grand event above 55,000 and Plus die-hard fans at the Madras University Hall.“Vijay plays an enterprising youngster while Genelia is doing the role of a journalist. Hansika Motwani and Saranya Mohan are also doing crucial characters.
Posted by
Thursday, February 07, 2013
south indian
The man baby amalgamations combine photos
The man-baby amalgamations combine the haggardness brought on by adult life with the doughy cheeks and hopeful grins of youth. Girotto and Curtat’s combined forces create miniature people so convincingly creepy they make Oompa Loompas look adorable. Peruse the series below and let us know if the image of a toddler with chest hair scarred you for life.
World's biggest and costly Cigar
Juan Panesso has had a lot of strange requests over the years he's
managed his online cigar store-- but a 20-foot long stogie with a
$200,000 price tag was easily the strangest. And the most stressful.
'We try to cater to premium high end sm0kers,' Mr Panesso tells the Daily Mail. 'But we've never had something like this. It's really odd, and stressful and exciting at the same time.'
The world’s largest toast mosaic
WorldÆs Largest Toast Portrait Is Best Birthday Card Ever —
Trying to come up with an original birthday present for mother in law, a
museum curator managed to set a new world record for the world’s
largest toast mosaic. 27-year-old Laura Hadland, a museum curator from
Leicester, wanted to offer her mother-in-law a really special gift, on
her 50th birthday. Together with 40 friends and volunteers, Laura spent
six hours toasting thousands of bread slices and arranging them into an
amazing mosaic of the woman she calls not only a great mother-in-law,
but also one of her best friends.
World’s largest salt flat
Located in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes, it is covered
by a few meters of salt crust, which has an extraordinary flatness with
the average altitude variations within one meter over the entire area
of the Salar. The large area, clear skies and exceptional surface
flatness make the Salar an ideal object for calibrating the altimeters
of Earth observation satellites.
Artist Tony Plant Transforms the Beaches
Environmental Artist Tony Plant Transforms the Beaches of England into Swirling Canvases — Armed with little more than standard garden rake, environmental artist Tony Plant transforms
the breathtakingly scenic beaches of England into temporary canvases
for his swirling sand drawings.
Each work is created below the tidal zones where the sand is flatter and wetter, allowing for greater contrast as he quickly drags the rake into various geometric patterns. The beauty however is fleeting as the artworks last only a few hours before being consumed by the incoming tide. Recently Plant’s work was used in the music video above by Light Colours Sound for recording artist Ruarri Joseph If you liked this also check out the sand art of Jim Denevan and Andres Amadore.
Deepika Padukone Filmfare Magazine HQ Pictures
Deepika Padukone Filmfare Magazine January 2013 HQ Pictures. These are
latest pictures from Filmfare magazine, deepika looks stunning in the
Posted by
Sunday, February 03, 2013
Self-confidence power to achieve anything
The business executive was deep in debt and could see no way out.
Creditors were closing in on him. Suppliers were demanding payment. He
sat on the park bench, head in hands, wondering if anything could save
his company from bankruptcy.
Suddenly an old man appeared before him.
“I can see that something is troubling you,” he said.
After listening to the executive’s woes, the old man said,
“I believe I can help you.”
He asked the man his name, wrote out a check, and pushed it into his hand saying,
“Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time.”
Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come.
Goose that began man best friend
Dominic Ehrler, 65, a retired investor, befriended a goose that began
following him around Echo Park ten months ago and she now meets him
every day at 8 a.m., reports LA Times.
“When she first started following me around like a dog I got goose
bumps,” Ehrler said. “David Foster, one of the parks people here,
finally introduced me to her. He said, ‘You know you’re being stalked!
Her name is Maria.
Top 10 list of calcium rich foods
Calcium is necessary for the growth and maintenance of strong teeth and
bones, nerve signaling, muscle contraction, and secretion of certain
hormones and enzymes. A deficiency in calcium can lead to numbness in
fingers and toes, muscle cramps, convulsions, lethargy, loss of
appetite, and abnormal heart rhythms. Conversley, excess calcium
(particularly from supplements) can lead to kidney stones, calcification
of soft tissue, and increased risk of vascular diseases like stroke and
heart attack. The DV for calcium is 1000mg. Below is a list of high
calcium foods, for more, see the extended list of calcium rich foods.
01. Dried Herbs
Photo — Link
Although dried herbs are rarely used in large portions, adding in a few
extra pinches to all your sauces, soups, and stews is a great way to get
more calcium into your diet. Dried savory tops the list with 2132mg of
calcium per 100g serving (213%DV), that is 85mg (9% DV) per tablespoon.
It is followed by celery seed with 124mg (12%DV) of calcium per
tablespoon, dried thyme with 57mg (6% DV) per tblsp, dried dill with
53mg (5% DV) per tblsp, dried marjoram with 40mg (4%DV) per tblsp, dried
rosemary with 38mg (4% DV) per tblsp, sage, sisymbrium, oregano,
spearmint, parsley, poppy seed, chervil and finally dried basil with
21mg of calcium (2% DV) per tablespoon.
Sam the cat has original Eyebrows
Sam the cat has only one expression
thanks to his 'eyebrows' - worried, His good humoured owner has posted
50 pictures of him online which have earned him worldwide internet fame.
He may have nine lives, but thanks to his unusual fur markings, Sam
the cat has only one expression - worried. The mystified moggy has
become an internet sensation after his owner set up a page dedicated to
him and his 'eyebrows'. The feline, believed to be from New York, has
more than 10,000 followers on picture sharing site Instagram, with his
quizzical expression earning him world wide fame.
Sam the cat has become an internet hit thanks to his furr-owed brow and unfortunate hair markings. 06 more images after the break...
Narrow Windows Hotel in Moscow
Small rooms, narrow windows and little furniture – for some it may sound
like Harry Potter’s basement, but in reality they’re rooms in a
brand-new capsule hotel in central Moscow, which looks like a space
Posted by
Saturday, February 02, 2013
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