Hansika Motwani Tamil Actress Latest Photos

Hansika Motwani Latest Stills from Tamil Movie Launch. Latest stills of Hansika Motwani from Vijay's Tamil movie 'Velayutham' launch. Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s new flick titled ‘Velayudham’ which is being directed by Jayam Raja has been launched today morning in a grand event above 55,000 and Plus die-hard fans at the Madras University Hall.“Vijay plays an enterprising youngster while Genelia is doing the role of a journalist. Hansika Motwani and Saranya Mohan are also doing crucial characters.

The man baby amalgamations combine photos

Outer Child Photography By Cristian Girotto
The man-baby amalgamations combine the haggardness brought on by adult life with the doughy cheeks and hopeful grins of youth. Girotto and Curtat’s combined forces create miniature people so convincingly creepy they make Oompa Loompas look adorable. Peruse the series below and let us know if the image of a toddler with chest hair scarred you for life.

World's biggest and costly Cigar

Juan Panesso has had a lot of strange requests over the years he's managed his online cigar store-- but a 20-foot long stogie with a $200,000 price tag was easily the strangest.
Juan Panesso has had a lot of strange requests over the years he's managed his online cigar store-- but a 20-foot long stogie with a $200,000 price tag was easily the strangest. And the most stressful.
'We try to cater to premium high end sm0kers,' Mr Panesso tells the Daily Mail. 'But we've never had something like this. It's really odd, and stressful and exciting at the same time.' 

The world’s largest toast mosaic

WorldÆs Largest Toast Portrait Is Best Birthday Card Ever — Trying to come up with an original birthday present for mother in law, a museum curator managed to set a new world record for the world’s largest toast mosaic. 27-year-old Laura Hadland, a museum curator from Leicester, wanted to offer her mother-in-law a really special gift, on her 50th birthday. Together with 40 friends and volunteers, Laura spent six hours toasting thousands of bread slices and arranging them into an amazing mosaic of the woman she calls not only a great mother-in-law, but also one of her best friends.